Wednesday, August 10, 2016

"...Shakespeare The Poltical Pundit: As In, What Fools These Mortals Be...."

so let it be written, so let it be it was done on the Aug 7 show

on going "back to the future", more or less, kinda sorta...  

What do unicorns, conspiracy theories and presidential campaigns have in common....MORE OFTEN THAN not they are just a figment of the imagination.....

MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN…..which can only mean go back to a better time, back to the way things used to be…so here’s the question……when exactly was that? If it was up to you ,what period in our past would you take America back to? THE WHOLE IDEA IS ROMANTIC AND CERTAINLY ENTICING.....But it’s really an illusion, isn’t it?

How bout the 60”s…peace, love, groovy, beads and free love..and civil rights killings and marches and Russia putting nuclear missiles in Cuba…Pick a decade, any decade, pick a year, any year….I’m thinking that the slogan MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is one of those slogans designed to get your patriotic passions all stirred up, but doesn’t really mean a thing because we can’t go BACK in time and no ONE person can make it all better…it’s not a return to a certain time we crave, it’s a return to a certain set of values and principles and a mindset…find me the candidate who can get THAT done and I’ll join you in going door to door for them...

on the mistake that you simply DO NOT make, no matter how much "mistakes happen"...

A toddler in East Dallas, a four year old in Pennsylvania, twin girls in Georgia...all DEAD and dead FROM heat stroke.....

So far this year, at least 24 children in the United States have died as a result of hot cars, according to the national safety advocacy organization KidsAndCars. The deaths of the twins in Georgia, if they're confirmed to be heat-related, would put that number at 26, the group said.

That would exceed the number of children -- 24 -- that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said died nationwide from heatstroke in vehicles in all of 2015

Of the children who die this way, 87% are age 3 and younger, KidsAndCars founder Janette Fennell said.

Typically two set of circumstances that lead to this kind of tragedy, said Jeanette Fennell, founder and president. Children either climb into a car on their own or an adult leaves them in the car because that person is overly distracted and preoccupied with other things.

TWO MORE CIRCUMSTANCES, ACTUALLY: the person is either a moron....or they are so self-absorbed that they simply don’t think about anything but themselves and what they are doing...until its TOO LATE....

The organization urges parents and caretakers to read its safety tips that include looking in the backseat each time you get out of the car and putting something you need in your backseat -- your cell phone, handbag, employee ID or briefcase -- to ensure that you will check. 


on Hillary's slip sliding away not getting her any nearer the destination...    

In the ongoing, never ending saga of Hillary and her emails and whether the FBI said she was truthful or didn’t say she was truthful, Hillary addressed the issue this week by saying that she may have “short circuited” her answers about it….we here at Nighttime polled a number of experts on language
and phrases and the one comment that they all seemed to agree on as it applies to what Secretary Clinton had to say was WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?...Hillary, bubula, I’m beggin ya…just fess up…tell it all, sistah…WHATEVER you have done it can’t be any worse than handing over the keys to the White House to a guy who would date his daughter if, you know, she wasn’t his daughter….Hillary…the truth….try it….it’s delicious and very refreshing………..

on the real problem confronting us in "decision" 2016  

Donald Trump isn’t the problem.
Never has been.
The problem is found in the Constitution.
Tell you where in a few minutes.

2016 has been an election year, the likes of which we have historically never seen.
Some things, believe it or not,though, actually still hold true to tradition.
Among them, the term “race”.
As in the race to the White House.

Or for the White House depending on how far into your cerebellum your English teachers were able to penetrate.
This time around, and especially in light of ongoing developments, the term still applies, but it doesn’t mean what it has traditionally meant.
The race to the White House is no mere marathon run between two candidates.
This contest is now a bona fide, no doubt about it, slap my butt and call me cheeky race against the clock.
And whether Donald can beat that clock.
Put simply…two things are certain.
November 8 is going to arrive right on schedule.
Donald Trump’s candidacy is going to continue to meltdown.
The race, this time around, is to see which occurs first.
Should he actually still have any credibility left at all by Election Day, those of us who have been alarmed, since day one, about his involvement in this election are still cynical and/or concerned enough to believe that there could still be enough people who simply don’t understand what’s at stake here that he could, in fact, win the election.
And if you’re not a Trump supporter and if what I just said sounds ridiculous to you at this moment, you have honestly not been paying attention to what’s happening in your nation.
One year ago, the notion that Donald Trump could even be considered a possibility for the nomination for President was….wait for it….ridiculous.
And it’s one year later.
And, wait a minute….hold the phone…stop the presses….who’s that GOP nominee walkin in these woods?
Well, kids, it ain’t Little Red Riding Hood.

For the last two weeks here on the show, I’ve been hittin’ it pretty hard and heavy about what I believe to be the shortcomings of the man, his complete and comprehensive inadequacies for the job of being President and the honest to God danger I believe we are in, should he win.

And I’m appreciative to all of you who listen to this show who have not only shared your opinions with me, but who respected, if not agreed with, my hittin it pretty hard and heavy.

But, like a lot of people, including this past week, the twice freely elected current President of the United States, have said…..I’m saying it now too….at some point,….enough is enough.

I’m done trying to talk you out of voting for Donald.
From here on, I don’t think a thing I say is going to make even a tiny dent in your resolve to see this through with him.

If everything that he has already said and done hasn’t convinced you to walk away, I don’t flatter myself for a second that anything I have to offer will persuade you.

As the old saying goes….you do what you gotta do.

That said, though, fair warning that I’m not going to stop talking about Donald or Hillary or Barack or Jim Bob or Mary Ellen or John Boy, either, for that matter.
First, because, whatever else it is or isn’t, it’s what people are talking about.

And that’s what talk shows talk about.
What people are talking about.

And second, because whatever else this candidacy is, or isnt, it’s also funny. Admittedly in that way that watching somebody get hit in the balls is funny funny.

But funny.

At least I plan to do my best each week from now until November and, God forbid, after that to find as much humor in all of this as my own cerebellum will allow me.
Because at some point, sometimes, laughter is all we got.

So, there’s that.

Now, back to that problem I mentioned at the outset.
Take all of the questions that are being asked by all of the people asking questions across the country and around the world about this guy and, for my money,
there’s only one question that’s really worth an answer anymore.
No, not why does he say the things he says. He’s Donald, always has been, always will be.

No, not why doesn’t he realize he doesn’t have to be an asshat to have a pretty good chance at winning. He’s Donald, always has been, always will be.

No, not when is he going to realize he’s burning down his own chances every time he opens his mouth lately? Never. He’s Donald, always has been, always will be.
The question that deserves an answer goes something like this.

How did he ever get this far in the process?

Even the most obtuse people in this country know that this guy is outrageously out of his league, out of place and somewhere he absolutely no place being.    

A duck out of water.
A bull in a china shop.
A cold sore at a kissing contest.

And that includes the lion’s share of people who are still wanting to vote for the guy. Just last week, a caller to this show graciously shared that a) he was still a Trump supporter and b) Donald needs to just knock it off with all of these moronic things he is saying and doing . Things that are only going to do him damage in the long run.

When those who support you have to start fighting the urge to look down at the ground when someone asks about you, you’re probably not doing yourself any favors.

But, again, nothing is going to change the fact that Donald is Donald.
Always has been.
Always will be.
So back to the remaining question.
How did he ever get this far?
Right time, right place?
Sort of.
But that’s not the real key to the puzzle box.

The real key to the puzzle box is that Donald came along at the right time to the right place….but he said all the right things.

Because THAT’S his only “talent”, for lack of an applicable word.
Like any really good salesman.
Or anyone who needs you to buy what they’re selling whether it’s a product or a promise or an idea or an excuse….ANYTHING they want to SELL YOU

We are all wired to be attracted to that.

Quick check. Show of hands. How many of you have given at least some consideration to a product you saw advertised on TV in the last two or three days?

My hand is up

and I just know that THAT golf doo hickey is going to be the one that will make me a world class player out there……

I believe it….because I WANT to believe it.
NOT because it’s true.

We are all wired to be attracted to those who tell us what we want to hear.
Some immediately resist.
Some are tempted, but give it some thought and wait and see.
And some go all in, buying it and convincing themselves they believe it because it feels good, it sounds right, it’s the fix they believe will cure their ills, save their bacon, make their lives better and safer and easier and….deal with those things that make daily life so difficult.
Things like the fact that….

People are struggling…..GUESS WHAT?.....people are ALWAYS struggling.
People are frustrated and angry…GUESS WHAT? people are ALWAYS frustrated and angry.
People are worried about how to pay their bills or send their kids to college or get good health care….GUESS WHAT….people are ALWAYS worried about how to pay their bills or send their kids to college or get good health care….
People are afraid of terrorists and what they will do next…GUESS WHAT? people are ALWAYS afraid of terrorists and what they will do next.
It’s called life.

And it’s full of joy and love and compassion and forgiveness and giving AS WELL AS heartbreak and struggle and challenge and unhappiness and tragedy and adversity.

These are universal and never ending facets of the lives that we live, the lives that we have been given.

And no man or woman, no mere mortal human being has it within their power to take away your struggles or your frustrations or worries or fears.

But America in the year 2016 is not the America of 1932 when the only thing we had to fear was fear itself.

It is not the America of 1961 when we answered with one voice when we were told not to ask what our country could do for US, but what WE could do for our country.

It is not the America of 1987 that cheered a President who sternly and bravely publicly told another leader to tear DOWN A WALL.

And it is not the America of 2001 when what petty bickering there was between us, the kind of petty bickering that happens every day in any every day American family, that bickering disappeared instantly as Americans, white, black, gay, straight, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, stood together in the rubble and the smoke and demonstrated, by that standing together, that we could not, would not, be intimidated. That evil could knock down our buildings, knock down our airliners, knock us right down to the ground we named Zero, but they could not and would not keep us down. Or turns us against each other.

This is the America of 2016.

It is an America that not only fears fear itself, but fears words, words that might ruffle someone’s feathers or offend their sensibilities or, God forbid, hurt someone’s feelings, so we’re told we have to watch our words and say only the right words whatever the hell the right words are at any given moment.

It is an America that not only asks what our country can do but expects, feels entitled, even demands to know what our country WILL do…. expects to be given a trophy just for showing up, given the lightest sentence no matter the crime, have expiration dates put on lifetime bans, to be provided with every creature comfort, easy path, obstacle free journey to anything and everything, any and every hour of every day and night…and freedom? well, hell, man, we wrote the book on freedom and the America of 2016 not only expects, it ASSUMES freedom….all of it…all of the time….as much as we want….the old, tried, true, traditional freedoms….all of them…all of the time…AND the new freedom….freedom  WITHOUT…freedom without accountability…freedom without responsibility….freedom without ability…freedom without sacrifice, contribution or cooperation….

The America of 2016 is an America that not only can’t see the forest for the trees, it can’t even see the trees because these days it doesn’t even look up from its phones…an America that can’t be bothered facing, or God forbid, dealing with challenges like learning to respect, appreciate, even get along with those who are a different color or gender or sexuality or religion. An America that knows every single name of every single reality TV “star” but doesn’t know the name of their own congressman…or senator…or vice president….

The America of 2016 is an America that expects unpleasant business to be taken care of instead of finding a way to take care of business…expects to be protected instead of standing up and stepping up and banding together…expects to have concern, worry and fear picked up by truckload in the middle of the night and deported out of our comfort zones….expects a wall to keep us safe from possible danger without even giving thought for a single second that walls serve, at least, two purposes….they can, in fact, sometimes keep things out….but they also provide a way for us to tremble and hide from what we should be facing up to…..oh…and make that three purposes…
…walls divide us.

In the America of 2016, Donald Trump has gotten as far as he’s gotten because he has been telling people what they want to hear. Enough people, obviously, to accumulate the vote totals necessary to “win” primaries and “win” a major party nomination.

But even many of his supporters now are beginning to see and hear the man speaking those words.

The America of 1932 would consider him a fear monger
The America of 1961 would consider him self-absorbed.
The America of 1987 would disregard a man who wanted to build a wall when there were already at least one too many walls.

And the America of 2001 would consider him a petty, vain and insecure excuse for the kind of American, white, black, gay, straight, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim who were standing together, arms locked, victorious in the aftermath, but not vindictive…determined in the aftermath but not demagogues…patriotic in the aftermath….but not pandering to, and manipulating with, the very fear those cowardly RADICAL EXTREMIST Islamic terrorists expected to result from hijacking those planes.

The very fear that, somehow, in the now almost 15 years since those planes flew into those buildings and that Pennsylvania field has somehow been allowed to fester and re-infect the American bloodstream….the kind of fear that makes people want to tremble and hide behind walls…make bad choices…succumb to anger, panic, even desperation…..

the kind of fear that makes it sadly, and dangerously, easy for those who know how to tell us what we want to hear to step up to a microphone and convince millions of people that he, alone, can make all those problems go away.

Donald Trump isn’t the problem.
Never has been.
The problem is found in the Constitution.
The first three words.
We, the people.
Of the America…of 2016.


join the conversation
Sunday nights at 7P Eastern

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

"...All We Seem To Hear Is Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate.....Don't You Just Hate That?..."

 assorted and sundry from the July 31st show....

on the one thing on which we should all agree....

 even a misguided, bleeding heart, Obama/Hillary loving Libtard like me totally get, accept and even endorse people who oppose Hillary or, at the very least, don’t support Hillary…she has a certain set of values, ideas, plans and intentions and it’s natural that not everyone goes along….we’re Americans, we don’t ever all agree on ANYTHING….you can’t get three people at your workplace to agree on where to go to lunch….

and, of course, there’s that honesty and trustworthiness thing, although, all night long tonight, I’m going to challenge you to offer me one politician you can hold up as a poster child for honesty and trust…..

I accept, even endorse, people who might even passionately disagree with the proposals, plans and intentions of Hillary Clinton…and, again, there’s that honesty and trustworthiness thing….but, again, I’ll be challenging you….

What I DON’T accept and what I DON’T endorse is the hatred…the angry, vicious, nasty, frankly embarrassing behavior of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of so called God fearing, patriotic Americans…the kind of behavior that goes miles and miles past any reasonable definition of appropriate and legitimate disagreement…..AND here’s something else I don’t accept or endorse….that same kind of hatred, anger, viciousness that’s been tar and feathering Barack and Michelle Obama for the past seven and half years….you don’t think he’s done a good job, that’s your call…you think he’s done a poor job, a bad job, a REALLY bad job, that’s your call…but the petty and mean and vicious and nasty?...that’s not a fair and reasonable assessment of job performance….it’s just petty and mean and vicious and nasty and, frankly,
embarrassing…embarrassing to those of us who still believe in being that shining beacon of role model to the rest of the world and are watching that rest of the world increasingly shake their heads, roll their eyes and start looking elsewhere for leadership and inspiration and class…..

the meme that has Dog SHT coming out of Hillary’s mouth every time it opens….the profane, obscene, offensive variations on the name Barack Obama…the pictures of Michelle Obama making her look like an ugly, repulsive ape……THIS is your idea of free speech and expression and your contribution to America? WOW….you are some kind of patriot, you are……

and if all you’ve got to counter is something inane like “well, Obama has ruined this nation….he’s got us on the road to destruction….and Hillary, well, that bitch is just more of the same” and all that other uninformed and uneducated mouthing off that haters do, let me clue you into something…I love the history of this country and I read A LOT about the history of this country and …..if you read that history you’ll find that, historically, those who history has proven possessed, or possess, genuine insight and vision tend to invoke one of two reactions in the masses:

either Admiration and appreciation from those who feel confident enough in themselves to recognize the benefit of listening to and considering the viewpoint of others....

or hatred and character assassination from those whose own insecurities and lack of education or sophistication or even self-esteem trigger the need to attack..

the most passionately admired leaders in history were among the most passionately hated and vilified, as me when I tell you that’s no coincidence…

leaders come and go....nothing changes until humanity matures enough to disagree without demonizing or denigrating.......nothing.......

 And here’s an odd, or interesting, observation….for all of the ragging that Donald Trump takes for his behavior, nobody really seems to HATE the guy…..ridicule him? mock him? even fear what he represents? but HATE? not so much….oh, the hate is out there and pops up here and there, but I haven’t seen a fraction of the memes or posts or comments and letters to the editor, etc talking HATRED about Donald that are flowing out there on Hillary and Barack…..

Occams Razor is a philosophical principle that, put simply, states that the simplest answer is usually the correct answer….and Sherlock Holmes said somewhere along the way that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth….

Well, I’ve been thinking a lot about all this hatred and applying those principles and here’s where I am right at this moment….I realize that out of all the people who might stir up powerful emotions in us who either are President, have BEEN president or want to BE president, that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have only ONE thing each in their resume that ALL of the others DON’T have….Hillary is a woman…and Barack is black……and given what Occam and Holmes have to say about it, I can’t find anything else to explain this level of HATRED or see it as being caused by anything other than….Sexism….and Racism…and keep in mind, I’m not talking about disagreement, opposition, unwillingness to support, endorse and/or vote for somebody…I’m talking about HATRED…stupid, ignorant, blind, embarrassing, dangerous HATRED….

on taking responsibility being like rubber and glue...sticks somewhere else as it bounces off you...

I've made no secret that one of the problems I have with Trump is that he is NEVER WRONG ABOUT or TO BLAME for ANYTHING….and that’s simply not a good quality in anybody, let alone somebody who wants to be the leader of a nation……..but this business of batting away the blame has become business as usual….

Scott Baio tweeted out an image of Hillary Clinton surrounded by the offensive word “cunt.” And then immediately after being tapped as a Trump speaker, he posted it again.
“This may be the best meme out there,” Scott Baio quipped while posting an image of Hillary Clinton giving a speech in which her head fully blocked out the letter “o” in the word “Count” on the banner behind her, leaving it to spell out the gender slur “cunt” behind her. 

the very first post in the comment thread accompanying this FB post read as follows:

(Name Withheld As A Courtesy) While Scott is wrong in calling her this foul name, Hillary has brought this on herself with all the lies she has told, and you all know she lied. I don't believe in using foul language to describe anyone as it is just downright disrespectful. Maybe if Hillary stopped blaming others for her wrongdoings, she would not be referred to such an ugly name. Trump/Pence 2016!

so...if Hillary would just stop lying, it wouldn't be necessary for brave Americans like Scott Baio to refer to her as a cunt......hmmm....and, you know, if only that nice girl down the street hadn't worn that skirt so short, she probably wouldn't have gotten herself raped....

on the only irrefutably fair question to be asked in this entire crap pile of a campaign...

hatred, pettiness, hostilities, even (especially) partisan politics aside...from the NATO matter to encouraging Russia to hack into American information to talking about changing or doing away with the Geneva Convention to the myriad various and sundry obvious inappropriate moves and remarks, does it honestly not occur to those who continue to support Donald Trump that, everything else OFF the table, the man simply doesn't know what he's doing and is already dramatically in over his head?.....
AND let’s add to that the character flaw that I started pointing out right here on this show A YEAR OR MORE AGO….he’s a bully with a thin skin who “TELLS IT LIKE IT IS”…TRANSLATION: he can dish it out ALL DAY LONG…but who gets pissed off and vindictive when ANYBODY tells HIM like it is about ANYTHING…he reminds me of that guy in Seinfeld, the bad breaker upper…"..yeah, well, you’ve got a big old melon head…"...

on campaign fatigue...why we catch it...and what we need to do to cure it...

 modern communications technology, social media and the onset of political campaigns as much as eighteen months out have made the traditional Presidential election process obsolete...with another three months yet to endure, it's a safe bet that almost everyone who has looked up from their phones long enough to give a s*** has already, even long ago, made up their minds and nothing said or done from here on out is going to change, let's spare ourselves the grief and exhaustion of any more bluster, bitching, bantering and blathering and hold the election Tuesday.....

further "campaigning" is going to accomplish nothing more than further angering us, dividing us and making us look even more ridiculous in the global view than we already do......

let's just shelve being "stronger together" and "making America great again" and let's Put America Out Of Its Misery.......

crowning thy good / with brotherhood / from sea to shining sea is optional.....

on being all stocked up on that cheapest of human qualities...

Last week, right here on this show, our first show upon returning from an eight month hiatus, I said something, on the air, that a lot of people who have listened to me for a while were probably surprised to hear. I said that I believe, at least at this point in the process, that Donald Trump is going to be elected President of the United States. My reasons are numerous and there’s plenty of time between now and November for me to share them, so I won’t do all that now. And, with any kind of luck, I won’t have to because, hopefully, between now and November, I’ll feel confident enough that it’s not going to happen to change my mind.

I mention all of this by way of sharing that tonight with both the Republican and Democratic conventions completed and Trump and Clinton now officially the two major party nominees, I have a clear perspective or, at the very least, a troublesome gut feeling of what this election is really all about…more on that in a minute….

I started noticing presidential elections around 1960…I was just a little kid then, but there was something kind of exciting about the atmosphere of that election year. TV played a big part for the first time and both Kennedy and Nixon had a certain style that was interesting, even to an elementary school aged kid…do the quick math and that means that I’ve been around to witness, in one way or another, fourteen different presidential elections. Lots of up years, lots of down years, lots of national crisis years and lots of international crisis years No presidential election in this country is without its moments of rough and tumble, even knock down drag out between the candidates and, also, between all of us every day folks who talk and debate and argue at the dinner table or the water cooler and then line up to pull the lever on Election Day. But believe me, as Tim Kaine pointed out to us that
Donald likes to say alot, believe me when I tell you that I have never before, in any of the fourteen previous presidential campaigns I’ve witnessed,  seen the kind of vicious, hateful, bigoted, prejudiced, angry, nasty, hostile, mean spirited
behavior that I’ve seen from this election…

Wednesday night Barack Obama and Joe Biden talked of being optimistic about the future of this country…..

Hillary took the same approach Thursday night…our best days are ahead of us…America IS great…etcetera etcetera…

Underneath my pretty well known and documented satirical, sardonic, even sometimes sarcastic exterior, I really do love apple pie and the flag and Uncle Sam and I really do want to feel optimistic about this nation’s future…believe it or not, I’m hoping every day that what I think is in danger of happening in this country WONT, in the end, turn out to be what happens in this country.
But I’m not finding it easy to be optimistic. And that’s because, as I said earlier, after a lot of watching and listening and thinking and talking about the election so far and, after witnessing fourteen other presidential elections, I have a clear perspective or, at the very least, a troublesome gut feeling of what this election is really all about

It’s about the politics of fear.

Never, in my life time, have two opposing sides been so clearly obvious or clearly defined….and never has the outcome of an election mattered as much as does this one….
there are fifteen Sundays between tonight and the election….and for the next fifteen weeks, I’m going to be talking about the election…I look forward to you talking about it with me….we’re not going to talk about it all the time…even good and evil step outside and take a smoke break every now and then….AND for those of you who start to go cross eyed listening to talk radio that goes on and on and on and on and on about one subject, you’re in luck….my ADD will pretty much prevent THAT from happening…and, despite what CNN and FOX and MSNBC would have you believe, there actually ARE other things going on in the world, in our country and right here in Kent and Sussex Counties besides the battle for the future of mankind between Donald and Hillary…and we’ll talk about them….and because every middle and high school teacher I ever had will testify under oath that I could never resist being a wisenheimer in class, even, no, especially, at the most inappropriate moments, you’ll find that this show will have its share of goofy and funny and fun and, yes, wisenheimer….and I invite you to share your goofy and funny with all of us…laughter is the best medicine…and there’s not a prescription in the world big enough to completely cure all the aches and pains WE got goin on these days….

And because I believe the right thing to do for someone with a microphone is to be up front and respect the audience by not trying to be all things to all listeners, I’m being up front with you right now by telling you that I sincerely believe that electing Donald Trump President would be a mistake on a scale of mistakes that this nation has never, ever seen.

That said, here’s where we go from here…conversation, communication, debate, discussion, dissention, opposition, even argument….in the very best tradition of good people respecting each other enough to speak their minds but always, ALWAYS keeping in mind an old fisherman’s prayer:
O Lord, thy sea is so great…and my boat is so small…..

and always, ALWAYS keeping in mind one little revision I think essential…..

thy sea IS so great…but it’s not MY boat…it’s OUR boat…and we are ALL in it…..

so bring me your conversation, your discussion, your opposition, even your argument to maybe find some answers….and, to paraphrase the old joke, let’s use the Christopher Columbus method….and sail around until we find some…

but viciousness and hatred?

sell them somewhere else….I’m not buying.

join the conversation
Sunday nights at 7