loose ends and post scripts from this past Sunday's show...
...after watching what's been going on in the news and/or politics the first few days this week, we've determined that the "tone deafness" we illustrated, in the cases of Ted Cruz, Lacey Lafferty and Mike Huckabee, is apparently a more insidious virus than even we first suspected...revelations that Marilyn Mosby's office was involved, on the front end, with the crackdown that led to the death of Freddie Gray have cast an even longer shadow over an already dark situation (and, puleeeze, spare me the PC chiding re' the shadow/dark description)...as is always the case, it matters, fair or unfair, not at all what something actually is...it matters, ultimately, what it looks like....perception is reality....what you get is what you see...even more unsettling is the inevitable conclusion that those are afflicted with this deafness, either don't realize it (which makes them, one would think, a lot less desirable as our choice for anything) or they don't care (which makes them sufficiently indifferent and completely undesirable as our choice for anything).......
...Bob Costas has joined the choir of voices that are singing out against giving Caitlyn Jenner the Ashe Courage Award...truth be told, we haven't come across a single soul, with the exception of those who seek either ratings or tabloid sales, who don't consider the entire matter a joke....and the "debate" really isn't about "courage" at all...it's about propriety....who,among us, has ever felt our admiration of someone's "bravery" grow, as opposed to shrink, when said person goes around screaming "hey! look how BRAVE I AM!"...as with any "gay" issue, we stand by our once and future attitude: you gotta be who you gotta be...we just don't need it shoved in our faces, okay? (pun inevitable but not without comic usefulness)...
...lastly, but not leastly, got a snarky comment or two on social media this past week....one, in particular, underscored an issue that we've batted around before...I think the whole concept of talk radio (and the accompanying social media) is one of the things that shows the "freedom" we enjoy in this country in a very bright light....and, as opposed to platitudes and abstractions about concepts, being able to actually speak one's mind on the air or online without fear of repression or retribution couldn't be a finer example of, or testament to, that freedom......that said, nit picker that I am, there's one nit that I have always been determined to pick when it wanders into the recipe...this week, the nit arrived in the form of the aforementioned snark(s)....and without quoting verbatim or naming names, suffice to say that the "critique" wasn't aimed at the content, context or even concept of any particular issue being, or about to be, discussed on the show...rather it was nothing more than a cheap shot at the way we presented or, in this case, posted.... and if there is such a thing as a line you don't cross when it comes to what we offer on air and online, that's the one...disagree, or agree, passionately with any point of view you hear or read when it comes from our side of the mic/page...call and/or write that disagreement passionately and while you may get as good as you give, you will always get it with courtesy and respect....if, on the other hand, all you've got in your intellectual quiver is arrows of outrageous sarcasm and/or snarky, then, with all due respect ("...and Mr. Dennit, I said with ALL DUE respect..."..it's a fun, applicable Ricky Bobby reference, look it up) spare me...one of the freedoms that we all enjoy is that which allows us to simply change the station if we don't enjoy/care for/ like/ et al what we are hearing...for whatever reason...when it comes to the opinions I offer on the issues, I am ever, and always, ready to hear what you have to say...when it comes to the style, method, approach, word usage and or general presentation that I offer, be it on the air or online, I couldn't care less what you think about it....because I'm not here to meet your standards...as you are not here to meet mine...and if you're one of those who feels entitled to snark, allow me to clue you in to something...you're not...it's rude...and it's ungracious...and it's cheap...and it trumpets to everyone that when it comes to spirited, even passionate contributions to the flow of productive conversation, you got nothin'....oh...and not for nuthin', but, every time somebody pulls that crap on me, I make it a habit to utilize the high road available to me and invite them, sincerely, to come on the show and talk the talk for real...I have yet to experience anyone accepting the invitation...
when all else fails...be reasonable.......
..thanks for reading...and listening to the show......Sunday night at 7....on Delaware 105.9,,,