Wednesday, July 22, 2015

"...I See London, I See France...Common Sense? Hell, Not A Chance..."

 some smidgens of tasty topics on the menu for this Sunday night's show----

Etta Britt is a renowned Nashville recording artist, world class vocalist, studio background singer and Facebook friend...she posted the following on FB.....

Call me old-fashioned, call me a me what you will but sharing a dressing room with men is NOT something I want to do...TARGET!! I walked into the dressing area today and a man and his son walks out of one. I thought I had gone to the wrong place so I asked the attendant. She said "No, you're fine". I walked back in and out pops a man about my husband's age from another stall. When I asked the manager about it, she said they are now co-ed. I had no idea.
The doors have little spaces on each side that can be peeped into very easily and young girls are trying on swim suits, women try on bras and I have already read counts of men sneaking pics of girls under the stalls.. Why do we need this? Someone explain it to me, please!!

Assuming that Etta's request for explanation is more literal than rhetorical, here's two cents worth of answer options---

A) the world is going to hell in a handbasket---

B) as usual, common sense is getting trampled in the "gold rush" to be a society of "equality for all no matter who, what, where, when or how", in this instance, the changeover in policy in an attempt to show how "equal we all are" with no adjustments of any kind made to insure or respect one's wish for, and/or right to, privacy or to anticipate, and thwart, those who would take advantage for prurient purposes (READ: seal the damn dressing rooms so the Peeping Pervs don't turn the stall area into their own Wally World of Wanking)---

C) actually---that's about it....with the very real possibility is that what we're dealing with here is a combination of answers A and B  (mostly A)---

personally, I'm always inclined to include these little moments of mankind's madness to the growing list of reasons why we have yet to be contacted by any beings from any other worlds.....

they are only interested in first contact with planets showing signs of intelligent life---

 ---the Galactic Shakespeare Anthology expresses it thusly---  "Lord, what fools these Earthlings be..."

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