some "oh, yeah...and...." from this weekend's show...
Lots of calls and chat about "The Donald" Sunday night.
This little nugget crossed our desk early this (Monday) morning.
Here was what I posted upon viewing---
"Yeah...let's elect this guy...and, while we're at it, carve out some new space on Mt. Rushmore..."
Some listeners/friends/followers were moved to rebut.
"...The man isn't allowed to live a little before running for President? Who hasn't wanted to take down Vince McMahon, and don't even try and say you weren't into wrestling at some point..."
"...It was Reagan did worse acting than"
First, I get it.
Actually, first, I got it.
From the get go.
Second, for the record, actually, no, I can honestly say that I have never been into wrestling. Clearly I'm being misunderstood when I talk on the air about my marital history.
Third, besides the "it" that I get that Trump's takedown was pure theatre, the other "it" that I get is that a little tomfoolery never hurt anyone.
I've noticed, since day one, that the E in WWE stands for "Entertainment".
And I'm fully prepared to stand front and center as we march for the cause of convincing our fellow U.S of A's to lighten the fuck up.
That said...
My comment about Donald's moment in (actually, just adjacent to) the ring was triggered by nigh on seven years of PTSD.
President Treated like Shit Daily.
And while I hold fast to my ongoing position that I am no apologist for the current resident of the White House, I also hold fast to the position that what's good for the goose remains good for the gander.
Put in more understandable, WWE vocab...
If we're going to hold one President, or presidential candidate, to a standard, then we need to hold them all to it.
And after seven years (with one to go) of venom, viciousness, racism disguised as political disagreement and good, old fashioned, 1950's style Birmingham, Alabama bring out the hoses and attack dogs racism directed at Mr. Obama, I think those who want him out should, if nothing else, play fair.
The kind of racism, by the way, that has manifested itself in such classy offerings as so-called American citizens referring to the person occupying the office of President of the United States and/or the First Lady of The United States as, among other nasty epithets..."baboons".
Shame, shame.
But even worse than shame, shame is...
...tsk, tsk.
For I imagine that some of The Donald's most rabid political supporters are among those who feel no hesitation whatsoever in, essentially, taking a dump on, if nothing else, the office of The President while at the same time, seeing no problem at all with wanting to fill that office with a guy who is "having a little fun" by dropping McMahon to canvas in full view of the world he wants to lead.
Put in more understandable, WWE vocab...
If baboonery has been the problem....
...buffoonery ain't the answer.
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