Wednesday, October 28, 2015
"...The Problem With Torches Is They're Really Hard To Put Out..."
some political POV in anticipation of the 2nd GOP debate....and a discussion of the "where we at now?" coming up on this Sunday night's show----
(click on the link)
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
"...Politics, Pedestrians...and Pontificators...."
bits, pieces and pearls from this past Sunday's show---
"...if ever, oh, ever a wiz there was, he or she has yet to reveal his or herself..."
First Democratic debate come and gone...
from ten seconds after it ended, you couldn’t swing a dead cat and not hit an
"expert" on who said what, what they meant and how voters feel out
that and them.
these days, thanks to PETA and the SPCA and the ACLU and E-I-E-I-O, you can't
even swing a dead cat.
claim no expertise.
do, though, have a little experience with this kind of thing
allow me to sum up the status of the presidential campaign, current as of the
writing of this piece, some five days after the end of Dem Debate I.
who believed their candidate is the answer to every prayer they can pray…..
still believes their candidate is the answer to every prayer they can pray.
who believe that all the other candidates are the anti-Christ and/or Muslims
and/or both…. still believe that all the other candidates are the anti-Christ
and/or Muslims and/or both
who haven't yet made up their mind were most likely watching
"N.C.I.S." Tuesday night and waiting until, say, March of next year
when the herd has thinned sufficiently to see the "actual" candidates
as opposed to the Osmond family meets the Von Trapp family crowd of contenders
currently taking part in the process and sucking the oxygen and air time out of
the room.
Ray Bolger---
"...walk a mile in my shoes...but watch out for cars trying to run you down..."
Delaware is getting serious about pedestrian safety....
Governor Markell is announcing an executive order to increase pedestrian safety and walkability in The First State.
The action comes as the rate of pedestrian accidents and fatalities remains high so far in 2015.
Also, the Governor's office says the effort to examine pedestrian "infrastructure" - pathways, crosswalks and sidewalks - fits in with initiatives to make Delaware a more walkable and bikeable state.
The Advisory Council on Walkability and Pedestrian Awareness will include representatives from state agencies, local governments, citizens organizations and the non-profit sector.
OH YAY! another committee to spend tax dollars to study and consider and discuss and come up with the following no brainer conclusion….
we are a personal motor vehicle driven ,personal motor vehicle obsessed culture and solutions
to the rising injury and death rates of pedestrians and bikers and these
programs designed to solve the problem, whatever good intentions they include, rely
heavily on ONE thing in very very short supply these
days….common courtesy….and that includes paying attention while driving (texting, zipping in and
out, etc)MEANWHILE, ANOTHER THOUGHT ABOUT IT…Bike paths that require even the most COURTEOUS and SKILLED drivers to cross over in order to make a turn or get to or through an intersection is one of the top ten all time DUMBEST ideas…we ain’t Europe, baby….we are MURRica….and in MURRica , SHARE the road means spray painting it with the words I Got You Babe….
" are free to live your life as you see us tell you how you should see it..."
This is REALLY important and we need you to read it. It affects you if you profess Christ as your Savior and Lord. We also urge you to become a member of DFPC and come to our monthly member mtgs where we educate and equip you for what is ahead. We have strategy, we ignite courage and we stand together.
an ARTICLE BY BRYAN FISCHER on the American Family Association
If you have ever wondered whether President Obama has an abiding
hostility to people of Christian faith, wonder no more. He believes we are a
threat to national security. If you are a sincerely devoted follower of Jesus
Christ, your president believes you are a potential domestic terrorist
I do not exaggerate. In a gathering at George Washington University this week, Obama’s assistant attorney general for national
security, John Carlin, revealed that the Department of Justice is creating a
brand new position just to monitor us. The position, domestic terrorism
counsel, will be created to combat the “real and present threat” of domestic
The real threat to our national security, according to our
president and his minions, is coming from the Family Research Council and the
American Family Association.
The plain truth is that we at FRC and AFA don’t hate a living
soul. We love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth about the physical
and spiritual dangers of the homosexual lifestyle. We want something better
for them than the darkness and disease associated with homosexual behavior.
We want them to come out of that darkness into the light of the gospel of
Christ. We are for the homosexual, and so we must be against the
normalization and promotion of homosexuality.
SEP comments--------I have, and I’m willing
to bet you money I aint got, that YOU have friends, acquaintances, co workers,
even FAMILY members who are gay and lead happy, productive, physically and
spiritually healthy lives….
I’m also willing to
double down and bet you have heterosexual
friends, family etc in the grip of darkness, disease, desperation, etc, etc
darkness and disease aren’t
just something you get in the premium tier of being gay….they are an equal
opportunity human afflication…and NO ONE and NO GROUP has an automatic or
guaranteed immunity…
“…Do we disagree with the homosexual lobby about homosexuality?
Of course. Do we hate them? Absolutely not. Do we advocate violence against
them? Never have, never will. We are simply determined to tell the moral,
spiritual, and physical truth about non-normative sexual behavior. …” WHOOPS THERE IT IS….the TRUTH about flawed
human beings as seen by OTHER flawed human beings…
I always find myself
automatically and instantly asking this question when I hear the TRUTH being
told to me by a fellow flawed human being…..who died and made you the first and
last word on what Jesus wants? Oh, wait, that’s right….it was Jesus who died
and I get that you think
you’re doing me some kind of favor by pointing out the error of my way, but let
me offer you this….
your Bible and the ability
to read it DOESN’T MAKE YOU an expert and it doesn’t AUTHORIZE you to come at
me as if I were a two year old who needs to have explained to me the dangers of
crossing the street without looking both ways…
share with me…don’t lecture
me….invite me to consider…don’t preach that I must surrender…because I promise
if you try to make up my mind for me, you’re going to fail at your quest to recruit
me…and God or Jesus aren’t going to be pleased that you’re not making your
quota…..and its NOT because I figure I’m going to get a better deal with the
devil….it’s because I’m going to talk benefits and responsibilities and hopes
and dreams and sacrifices and loving one another with God myself….and eliminate
the middle man….in this case, the middle man being YOU
I’m willing to bet the
farm that you are one of those folks totally outraged by the Supreme Court “interpreting”
the law for us…..but you don’t have any problem at all expecting me to accept
you doing exactly the same thing for me…
if I feel moved or
motivated or inspired to share an amazing book with you, I’m going to
recommend, yes, even sometimes passionately, recommend that you open the book
and read it….the difference between you and me? I’m not going to insist you
read it, try to instill in you a fear of what will happen if you DON’T read it
and then, after you actually read it, tell you what you just read really MEANS….
who died and made you
the first and last word on what Jesus wants? Oh, wait, that’s right….it was
Jesus who died
meanwhile, I’m not
accepting ANYTHING as GOSPEL from you because I know who you are….a flawed
human being…just like me
join the conversation--- Sunday night at 7 Eastern---talk radio redefined...
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
"...Ask Not ! Who's On First?..."
Here's some good news, at last.
Oh, not the following breaking entertainment report.
The good news comes after that.
But, first...
Saturday Night Live has had some fun mocking Donald Trump recently, but now it will truly play the Trump card this election season.
The leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination will host SNL on Nov. 7, NBC announced on Tuesday.
Sia will serve as the show’s musical guest. Trump previously hosted the late-night variety/sketch series in 2004.
The gig marks another return to NBC for Trump, who hosted The Apprentice for a decade before the network cut ties with him earlier this year. He appeared on The Tonight Show last month and has given interviews on Meet The Press.
Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton popped up on the Oct. 3 show of SNL, playing opposite Clinton impersonator Kate McKinnon.
Let's not waste any time or synaptic matter bothering with even contemplating, let alone discussing, the FCC Equal Time thing that opens the door for any announced candidate to demand his or her right to host this show.
After all, that candy ass business of trying to establish some sort of protocol or level playing field in the wild and woolly game show that American presidential elections have become has gone the way of the Betamax and New Coke.
Instead, let's just contemplate, for a minute or two, how far the empire has fallen with this latest mutation of pop culture meets politics. ("Empire" in this case, of course, referring to the United States of America and "fallen", referring, of course, to the historical narrative entitled "The Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire"...)
First, in the interest of both full disclosure and self defense, allow me to offer the following answer to the question I'm sure occurs to a reasonable number of people experiencing my opinion here.
Yes, thanks for asking, as a matter of fact, I do have a sense of humor, I do appreciate good satire, I do respect those who are able to laugh at themselves and I do, I so do, approach most everything in this life with a "hey, lighten the fuck up" attitude.
So stuff your "lighten up, dudes" in a sack, mister...or missy.
I get that modern politics necessitates a certain amount of envelope pushing when it comes to being not only relevant and relatable to not only the "establishment", whatever the hell that is anymore, but also to the youngers, the future movers and shakers and, God help us, leaders of this country who will in another eight or twelve or sixteen or twenty years, give or take, be stepping up to take a shot at taking a shot running the US of A.
Or what's left of it in eight or twelve or sixteen or twenty years, give or take.
The 18-39 year olds demographic is the holy grail in the land of advertising and so its only natural that shows like SNL would bypass any sense of, well, no, actually make that just any sense and sell their mama if they could get a Donald to actually host an entire show.
And the "dumbing down" of political appearances is nothing new. Just last week, Hillary did a fun cameo as a barkeep, batting the old banter birdie with Amy Schumer.
Bill Clinton played a saxophone on Aresenio Hall a long time ago.
And a long, LONG time ago, on a 23 inch tube console far, far away, a normally uptight, stick placed expertly and permanently up the ass Richard Nixon took a pass at being hip and groovy with a four second appearance on THE comedy show of the late sixties, Laugh In.
And the Donald did a hosting stint eleven years ago.
When he was just an uber wealthy, real estate mogul/doofus.
As opposed to the uber wealthy, real estate mogul/doofus/leading candidate for the GOP nomination for President of the United States that he has become.
Or mutated into.
Six of one.
I'm the first guy to shove to the front of the line and the head of the crowd and offer up that we need to maintain, always, our senses of humor in this world. We live in serious, dangerous, often dark times and our ability to keep our wits about us often depends on our ability to keep our wit about it.
Lighten the heavy load and all that Hallmark card/Deepak Chopra yada yada.
But here's a thing.
We've ALWAYS lived in serious, dangerous, often dark times and our ability to keep our wits with a little help from our wit has always been balanced, within reasonable parameters, with all the other qualities necessary to maintain both our place in the pecking order and the perception that other nations, both friendly and not so much, have of us.
Donald Trump hosting an entire episode of a globally broadcast comedy satire show is not the modern equivalent of, say, Jack Kennedy having been convinced in 1960 to appear as The Continental, offering one sassy secretary or another a fine glass of "sham-pahnya" in the spirit of naughty, but family friendly, fun.
It is more like seriously considering electing Conan O'Brien President of the United States.
When the nominating and the voting and inaugurating is all done, we really do need to have a leader representing us in the serious, dangerous, often dark world.
One who arrives at history making meetings in a limousine.
Not a clown car. (Cue: HONK HONK)
Oh...and I didn't forget.
I promised good news.
We no longer have to worry about whether or not the other nations of the world respect our position, style, grace and qualities of statesmanship and leadership.
Because they don't.
"....Ladies and gentlemen..........the President of the United States......LIIIIIIIIIIIIVE from New York! It's Saturday NIIIIIGHT!"......
Oh, not the following breaking entertainment report.
The good news comes after that.
But, first...
Saturday Night Live has had some fun mocking Donald Trump recently, but now it will truly play the Trump card this election season.
The leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination will host SNL on Nov. 7, NBC announced on Tuesday.
Sia will serve as the show’s musical guest. Trump previously hosted the late-night variety/sketch series in 2004.
The gig marks another return to NBC for Trump, who hosted The Apprentice for a decade before the network cut ties with him earlier this year. He appeared on The Tonight Show last month and has given interviews on Meet The Press.
Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton popped up on the Oct. 3 show of SNL, playing opposite Clinton impersonator Kate McKinnon.
Let's not waste any time or synaptic matter bothering with even contemplating, let alone discussing, the FCC Equal Time thing that opens the door for any announced candidate to demand his or her right to host this show.
After all, that candy ass business of trying to establish some sort of protocol or level playing field in the wild and woolly game show that American presidential elections have become has gone the way of the Betamax and New Coke.
Instead, let's just contemplate, for a minute or two, how far the empire has fallen with this latest mutation of pop culture meets politics. ("Empire" in this case, of course, referring to the United States of America and "fallen", referring, of course, to the historical narrative entitled "The Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire"...)
First, in the interest of both full disclosure and self defense, allow me to offer the following answer to the question I'm sure occurs to a reasonable number of people experiencing my opinion here.
Yes, thanks for asking, as a matter of fact, I do have a sense of humor, I do appreciate good satire, I do respect those who are able to laugh at themselves and I do, I so do, approach most everything in this life with a "hey, lighten the fuck up" attitude.
So stuff your "lighten up, dudes" in a sack, mister...or missy.
I get that modern politics necessitates a certain amount of envelope pushing when it comes to being not only relevant and relatable to not only the "establishment", whatever the hell that is anymore, but also to the youngers, the future movers and shakers and, God help us, leaders of this country who will in another eight or twelve or sixteen or twenty years, give or take, be stepping up to take a shot at taking a shot running the US of A.
Or what's left of it in eight or twelve or sixteen or twenty years, give or take.
The 18-39 year olds demographic is the holy grail in the land of advertising and so its only natural that shows like SNL would bypass any sense of, well, no, actually make that just any sense and sell their mama if they could get a Donald to actually host an entire show.
And the "dumbing down" of political appearances is nothing new. Just last week, Hillary did a fun cameo as a barkeep, batting the old banter birdie with Amy Schumer.
Bill Clinton played a saxophone on Aresenio Hall a long time ago.
And a long, LONG time ago, on a 23 inch tube console far, far away, a normally uptight, stick placed expertly and permanently up the ass Richard Nixon took a pass at being hip and groovy with a four second appearance on THE comedy show of the late sixties, Laugh In.
And the Donald did a hosting stint eleven years ago.
When he was just an uber wealthy, real estate mogul/doofus.
As opposed to the uber wealthy, real estate mogul/doofus/leading candidate for the GOP nomination for President of the United States that he has become.
Or mutated into.
Six of one.
I'm the first guy to shove to the front of the line and the head of the crowd and offer up that we need to maintain, always, our senses of humor in this world. We live in serious, dangerous, often dark times and our ability to keep our wits about us often depends on our ability to keep our wit about it.
Lighten the heavy load and all that Hallmark card/Deepak Chopra yada yada.
But here's a thing.
We've ALWAYS lived in serious, dangerous, often dark times and our ability to keep our wits with a little help from our wit has always been balanced, within reasonable parameters, with all the other qualities necessary to maintain both our place in the pecking order and the perception that other nations, both friendly and not so much, have of us.
Donald Trump hosting an entire episode of a globally broadcast comedy satire show is not the modern equivalent of, say, Jack Kennedy having been convinced in 1960 to appear as The Continental, offering one sassy secretary or another a fine glass of "sham-pahnya" in the spirit of naughty, but family friendly, fun.
It is more like seriously considering electing Conan O'Brien President of the United States.
When the nominating and the voting and inaugurating is all done, we really do need to have a leader representing us in the serious, dangerous, often dark world.
One who arrives at history making meetings in a limousine.
Not a clown car. (Cue: HONK HONK)
Oh...and I didn't forget.
I promised good news.
We no longer have to worry about whether or not the other nations of the world respect our position, style, grace and qualities of statesmanship and leadership.
Because they don't.
"....Ladies and gentlemen..........the President of the United States......LIIIIIIIIIIIIVE from New York! It's Saturday NIIIIIGHT!"......
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
"...Come To Think Of It, Maybe The Force Field Thing Isn't Such A Bad Idea, After All..."
Sign of the times.
One Texas school district has unveiled a sign on school grounds warning that its teachers are armed.

Here's more from KDAF-TV in Dallas.
Back in January, the district voted in favor of school marshals. Some Argyle teachers will act as the long arm of the law under the state’s Protection of Texas Children Act.
Gun-toting teachers must have and maintain a handgun license; pass a psychological evaluation; and undergo firearms and emergency response training.
Some parents say the district is right on target.
“I think if a tragedy does occur, lives can be saved by guns being in the right hands, and I think the teachers here might be able to stop something like that and life can be saved,” parent Lacey Fenoglio said.
Argyle ISD Superintendent, Dr. Telena Wright tells NewsFix continuous training is required, and some training even took place over summer break. However, the names and number of pistol-packing teachers will not be released for safety reasons.
Seven states - Texas, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee and Alabama - have passed legislation to make it legal for teachers to carry a gun following the Dec. 2012 Sandy Hook shooting.
Greg Coker, creator of the Shield 91 program that helps schools effectively arm teachers, talked to Brian Kilmeade this morning, explaining the process by which armed teachers are chosen.
Coker, a Special Ops veteran, says he is on a "crusade" to prevent another attack like Sandy Hook, which took the lives of 20 children and six adults.
He said the program is worth it if it can save even one life. Coker noted that most school shootings are carried out in about five minutes, but it usually takes police about 10 minutes to respond.
Coker said a properly trained individual can draw and fire in two seconds, adding that the goal is to delay the shooter's actions until law enforcement arrives.
In the category of "something better than nothing", this effort is both appreciated and understandable.
At the same time, it's important to keep something front and center in the mindset.
A sign is a notification.
Not a force field.
Just ask anybody who's ever been T-boned by somebody running a stop sign.
And sick, delusional, homicidal, suicidal intruders with everything locked and loaded and nothing to lose probably don't bother much with reading.
Again, something better than nothing.
But treatments aren't cures.
And we need cures.
Starting with recognizing, and immediately dealing with, the signs.
So that, someday, sooner rather than later...
...we can take down the sign.
One Texas school district has unveiled a sign on school grounds warning that its teachers are armed.

Here's more from KDAF-TV in Dallas.
Back in January, the district voted in favor of school marshals. Some Argyle teachers will act as the long arm of the law under the state’s Protection of Texas Children Act.
Gun-toting teachers must have and maintain a handgun license; pass a psychological evaluation; and undergo firearms and emergency response training.
Some parents say the district is right on target.
“I think if a tragedy does occur, lives can be saved by guns being in the right hands, and I think the teachers here might be able to stop something like that and life can be saved,” parent Lacey Fenoglio said.
Argyle ISD Superintendent, Dr. Telena Wright tells NewsFix continuous training is required, and some training even took place over summer break. However, the names and number of pistol-packing teachers will not be released for safety reasons.
Seven states - Texas, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee and Alabama - have passed legislation to make it legal for teachers to carry a gun following the Dec. 2012 Sandy Hook shooting.
Greg Coker, creator of the Shield 91 program that helps schools effectively arm teachers, talked to Brian Kilmeade this morning, explaining the process by which armed teachers are chosen.
Coker, a Special Ops veteran, says he is on a "crusade" to prevent another attack like Sandy Hook, which took the lives of 20 children and six adults.
He said the program is worth it if it can save even one life. Coker noted that most school shootings are carried out in about five minutes, but it usually takes police about 10 minutes to respond.
Coker said a properly trained individual can draw and fire in two seconds, adding that the goal is to delay the shooter's actions until law enforcement arrives.
In the category of "something better than nothing", this effort is both appreciated and understandable.
At the same time, it's important to keep something front and center in the mindset.
A sign is a notification.
Not a force field.
Just ask anybody who's ever been T-boned by somebody running a stop sign.
And sick, delusional, homicidal, suicidal intruders with everything locked and loaded and nothing to lose probably don't bother much with reading.
Again, something better than nothing.
But treatments aren't cures.
And we need cures.
Starting with recognizing, and immediately dealing with, the signs.
So that, someday, sooner rather than later...
...we can take down the sign.
"...Come On Over, Baby...Whole Lotta Shootin' Goin' On..."
bits, pieces, segments and stuff from this past weekend's show...
on the news that Kim Davis "met with" Pope Francis---
on the gun issue---Rosanne Cash's eloquent posting on Facebook---
"...For ten years, I was on the board of PAX- an organization whose sole purpose was to prevent gun violence among children. (PAX merged with Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence several years ago.) After ten years of meeting grief-stricken parents of children killed by guns, I had to quit. I couldn't take the endless parade of innocent people with shattered lives. It was eating at my soul. More pre-schoolers die by guns every year than police officers in the line of duty, and people seem to accept it as collateral damage for 'freedom.' Whose freedom are we talking about? Certainly not a classroom of first-graders lying in a pool of blood. And we're not talking about the freedom of their parents either, whose lives are utterly destroyed.
In 2000, as a representative of PAX, I attended the Million Mom March in Washington, DC with my husband, my year-old baby and my 11 year old daughter. I had a lot of hope that day-- the energy was powerful and the thousands of parents holding pictures of their dead children was a mandate in itself.
At the end of the day, my friend Patty Smyth, who marched alongside me with Bette Midler, Emmylou Harris, Raffi and many, many more, said 'if nothing else, we helped carry the burden of the grieving mothers for one day.' I wrote an article for Rolling Stone about that day. I was full of expectation that our elected officials would rise to the occasion and enact basic gun safety legislation like background checks, safety locks and a ban on military-grade weapons.

It turned out that, in fact, all we did was help carry the burden for a day. Nothing changed.
Several years later, my precious daughter, Chelsea, was held up at gunpoint in the jewelry store where she worked. The gunmen held her for twenty minutes. I'm so grateful she was not killed and I'm also so acutely aware that the difference between me and the moms carrying the photos on the march is a split second. Do NOT tell me that Chelsea 'should have had a gun.' If she had, she'd be dead. She is not physically or mentally able to coolly aim a gun at someone who is already pointing a gun at HER, and fire sharp-shooter style at another human being while terror-stricken. Nor am I. Nor are millions of other people.
The logic that 'if more law-abiding citizens had guns, there would be fewer mass shootings' is confounding to the point of nihilism. What's the end game? Every first grade teacher should have a gun in her desk to prevent another massacre like Newtown? Every pastor in his pulpit? Every movie-goer, mall shopper, night club patron and mom pushing a stroller, until we are reduced to anarchy and violence in every social venue of this country?
If you can make a compelling argument why we have laws requiring safety locks on medicines to protect children, but no law requiring a safety lock on a gun, I'd like to hear it. If you can make a compelling argument why a mentally disturbed youth should be able to easily stockpile military-grade weapons because of loopholes in the law and no background checks, please-- go ahead. I'd like to hear an articulate and reasoned logic behind that thought.
The Constitution is a living document-- if it hadn't changed since its inception, I personally would not be allowed to vote. The language 'well-regulated militia' doesn't equal 'mentally ill person with stockpile of automatic weapons' in my interpretation, but if you believe the amendment extends to that, then I believe Congress needs to amend the amendment, as it has done before in other cases.
Personal handguns and hunting rifles will never be banned in this country. Not a single person talking about the gun issue, that I have heard or read, has suggested that.
If one classroom of first graders can be saved just by requiring background checks and a ban on military style weapons, wouldn't it be worth it? One teenager in a movie theater, one student nurse, one pastor in the pulpit, one little pre-schooler? If the answer is no, or the answer is just more vicious rhetoric, then we should be ashamed. That child could be yours. It was almost mine. So don't tell me to keep my mouth shut...."
on Rosanne Cash's comments---and my two cents---
every practical suggestion these folks make is reasonable, do-able and personal concern, a concern I have voiced many times on air and in print, is the conundrum we have faced, and continue to face, every time a triggering event (pun unintended, but somehow, I think, meant to be) occurs....simply put: when it comes to issues like this, we too often find ourselves not moving forward as if on a vehicle of change as we do going round and round as if on a hamster wheel because, if for no other single reason, human nature and psychology perpetually exhibit themselves in this manner:
"those who will take the time to read, reflect and seek a way to be a part of the solution don't need to do so....and those who need, desperately need, to do so, will, inevitably, not bother with reading, reflecting or seeking..."
America has allowed the "babies" in our culture free access to the cookie jar for years and years and years.....
now, we need, desperately need, to get them to eat broccoli...
the gun culture is not the accomplishment of a free society exercising its rights in a manner that makes one proud to be an American....
it is an addiction more powerful, and dangerous, than the drugs America spends billions of dollars to "treat"...
if and when, and only if and when, the majority of voting Americans accept that premise and wield the only power they really have, the power to elect or defeat, support or impeach, only then will the fever break and the cure begin to take hold---
The "debate" about "gun rights" can, and will, go on until the end of mankind.
Unless, we stop trying to reason with addicts.
on the news that Kim Davis "met with" Pope Francis---
on the gun issue---Rosanne Cash's eloquent posting on Facebook---
"...For ten years, I was on the board of PAX- an organization whose sole purpose was to prevent gun violence among children. (PAX merged with Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence several years ago.) After ten years of meeting grief-stricken parents of children killed by guns, I had to quit. I couldn't take the endless parade of innocent people with shattered lives. It was eating at my soul. More pre-schoolers die by guns every year than police officers in the line of duty, and people seem to accept it as collateral damage for 'freedom.' Whose freedom are we talking about? Certainly not a classroom of first-graders lying in a pool of blood. And we're not talking about the freedom of their parents either, whose lives are utterly destroyed.
In 2000, as a representative of PAX, I attended the Million Mom March in Washington, DC with my husband, my year-old baby and my 11 year old daughter. I had a lot of hope that day-- the energy was powerful and the thousands of parents holding pictures of their dead children was a mandate in itself.
At the end of the day, my friend Patty Smyth, who marched alongside me with Bette Midler, Emmylou Harris, Raffi and many, many more, said 'if nothing else, we helped carry the burden of the grieving mothers for one day.' I wrote an article for Rolling Stone about that day. I was full of expectation that our elected officials would rise to the occasion and enact basic gun safety legislation like background checks, safety locks and a ban on military-grade weapons.

It turned out that, in fact, all we did was help carry the burden for a day. Nothing changed.
Several years later, my precious daughter, Chelsea, was held up at gunpoint in the jewelry store where she worked. The gunmen held her for twenty minutes. I'm so grateful she was not killed and I'm also so acutely aware that the difference between me and the moms carrying the photos on the march is a split second. Do NOT tell me that Chelsea 'should have had a gun.' If she had, she'd be dead. She is not physically or mentally able to coolly aim a gun at someone who is already pointing a gun at HER, and fire sharp-shooter style at another human being while terror-stricken. Nor am I. Nor are millions of other people.
The logic that 'if more law-abiding citizens had guns, there would be fewer mass shootings' is confounding to the point of nihilism. What's the end game? Every first grade teacher should have a gun in her desk to prevent another massacre like Newtown? Every pastor in his pulpit? Every movie-goer, mall shopper, night club patron and mom pushing a stroller, until we are reduced to anarchy and violence in every social venue of this country?
If you can make a compelling argument why we have laws requiring safety locks on medicines to protect children, but no law requiring a safety lock on a gun, I'd like to hear it. If you can make a compelling argument why a mentally disturbed youth should be able to easily stockpile military-grade weapons because of loopholes in the law and no background checks, please-- go ahead. I'd like to hear an articulate and reasoned logic behind that thought.
The Constitution is a living document-- if it hadn't changed since its inception, I personally would not be allowed to vote. The language 'well-regulated militia' doesn't equal 'mentally ill person with stockpile of automatic weapons' in my interpretation, but if you believe the amendment extends to that, then I believe Congress needs to amend the amendment, as it has done before in other cases.
Personal handguns and hunting rifles will never be banned in this country. Not a single person talking about the gun issue, that I have heard or read, has suggested that.
If one classroom of first graders can be saved just by requiring background checks and a ban on military style weapons, wouldn't it be worth it? One teenager in a movie theater, one student nurse, one pastor in the pulpit, one little pre-schooler? If the answer is no, or the answer is just more vicious rhetoric, then we should be ashamed. That child could be yours. It was almost mine. So don't tell me to keep my mouth shut...."
on Rosanne Cash's comments---and my two cents---
every practical suggestion these folks make is reasonable, do-able and personal concern, a concern I have voiced many times on air and in print, is the conundrum we have faced, and continue to face, every time a triggering event (pun unintended, but somehow, I think, meant to be) occurs....simply put: when it comes to issues like this, we too often find ourselves not moving forward as if on a vehicle of change as we do going round and round as if on a hamster wheel because, if for no other single reason, human nature and psychology perpetually exhibit themselves in this manner:
"those who will take the time to read, reflect and seek a way to be a part of the solution don't need to do so....and those who need, desperately need, to do so, will, inevitably, not bother with reading, reflecting or seeking..."
America has allowed the "babies" in our culture free access to the cookie jar for years and years and years.....
now, we need, desperately need, to get them to eat broccoli...
the gun culture is not the accomplishment of a free society exercising its rights in a manner that makes one proud to be an American....
it is an addiction more powerful, and dangerous, than the drugs America spends billions of dollars to "treat"...
if and when, and only if and when, the majority of voting Americans accept that premise and wield the only power they really have, the power to elect or defeat, support or impeach, only then will the fever break and the cure begin to take hold---
The "debate" about "gun rights" can, and will, go on until the end of mankind.
Unless, we stop trying to reason with addicts.
on the tone and texture of campaign 2016, if you want to call it that---
occurred to me this week that this whole presidential campaign, so far, is, for
us, the voter, like a really, really, really bad dating site…where we have to
pick somebody from the profiles they offers us and ONLY the profiles
they offer us, but the profiles they offer us are , at best, lame and, at
worst, well, the worst-----in other words, like an arranged marriage, we have
to “settle” for whoever turns out to be our partner instead of seeking and
finding the perfect match for what we want, and deserve, our lives to be…..
style and substance of the “campaign” so far has NOTHING to do with raising the
bar, lifting the spirit, inspiring Americans to be the best they can be….it’s
entirely about vote for me, because I don’t suck nearly as much as everybody
else…and the entire tone of what these people are offering us brings out the
WORST in US….they are inciting us to hate and demonize and lynch, if possible,
instead of calling on our better angels to get us back to where we once
belonged---the haters want to throw Obama in jail for whatever bonehead reason
they come up with at any given moment….the haters want to throw Hillary in jail
pretty much because she’s Hillary…
well, okay, I won’t argue the should or
shouldn’t of those cries for justice…what I WILL offer you is this….first, for
the bazillionth time, Obama isn’t running anymore and those who insist on
whining about him are the same people
still bitching that the Seahawks passed instead of running last Super
Bowl---let it go---and to those who still insist that Obama is cleverly going
to wait until the very end of his EIGHT years in office to spring the ol’
“AH-HA!, I was a Muslim terrorist all along”, I’m gonna assume that most or all
of you were the same people who predict that the Apocolypse will occur
September 23 of this….oh WAIT….that was like TWO WEEKS AGO!!, seriously,
God bless..and shut up----
meanwhile, as regards the actual candidates
running….if we’re talking jail, let’s just cut to the chase and put ALL of them
in jail for impersonating thoughtful, inspiring, motivating, intelligent,
dynamic, educated, sophisticated leaders who will make our schools better and
safer, make our streets better and safer, treat our veterans with ALL the
respect and rewards they deserve ALL the time, deal with world leaders in a way
that will make ALL of us proud that they ARE a world leader, too and, in every
way possible, make us ALL proud to be
Americans…or you know what, let’s put em in jail because they’re not even
bothering to do the impersonation…they’re just telling you why you should love
THEM…. and hate the OTHERS…..
into your polling place on Election Day in this country should be a day filled
with excitement of knowing that the
candidate that inspires you just might be the next President of the United
States but even if your candidate isn’t chosen, the candidate that IS chosen
will still inspire and motivate and challenge us to do what we do better than
anybody in the world….EVERYTHING….when we’re not wasting so much time in our
lives finding EXCUSES TO HATE ---and wasting so much time in our lives
listening to those who have nothing to offer us but REASONS TO HATE….
two kinds
of people in the world, it’s said….leaders and followers---the big problem this
time out is that it can be really, really hard to tell the difference between
the leader of a great nation….and the leader of a great big lynch mob---
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