Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"...Politics, Pedestrians...and Pontificators...."

bits, pieces and pearls from this past Sunday's show---

"...if ever, oh, ever a wiz  there was, he or she has yet to reveal his or herself..."

First Democratic debate come and gone...

And from ten seconds after it ended, you couldn’t swing a dead cat and not hit an "expert" on who said what, what they meant and how voters feel out that and them.

Actually, these days, thanks to PETA and the SPCA and the ACLU and E-I-E-I-O, you can't even swing a dead cat.

I claim no expertise.

I do, though, have a little experience with this kind of thing

So, allow me to sum up the status of the presidential campaign, current as of the writing of this piece, some five days after the end of Dem Debate I.

Those who believed their candidate is the answer to every prayer they can pray….. still believes their candidate is the answer to every prayer they can pray.

Those who believe that all the other candidates are the anti-Christ and/or Muslims and/or both…. still believe that all the other candidates are the anti-Christ and/or Muslims and/or both

Those who haven't yet made up their mind were most likely watching "N.C.I.S." Tuesday night and waiting until, say, March of next year when the herd has thinned sufficiently to see the "actual" candidates as opposed to the Osmond family meets the Von Trapp family crowd of contenders currently taking part in the process and sucking the oxygen and air time out of the room.

As far as "expert" analysis, insight, cogent perspective and/or prescient pundit-ing as to where the American electorate stands at this point, I ignore CNN, FOX, MSNBC, any and all "commentators" associated with same, any and all online sages, any and all print media waxers politic and simply, for the time being, refer to the one political observer I have found, through the years, to have the most consistently, almost unfailingly, accurate take on the mindset of the American voter at any given time in the American electoral process...

Ray Bolger---

"...walk a mile in my shoes...but watch out for cars trying to run you down..."

Delaware is getting serious about pedestrian safety....

Governor Markell is announcing an executive order to increase pedestrian safety and walkability in The First State.

The action comes as the rate of pedestrian accidents and fatalities remains high so far in 2015.

Also, the Governor's office says the effort to examine pedestrian "infrastructure" - pathways, crosswalks and sidewalks - fits in with initiatives to make Delaware a more walkable and bikeable state.

The Advisory Council on Walkability and Pedestrian Awareness will include representatives from state agencies, local governments, citizens organizations and the non-profit sector.

OH YAY! another committee to spend tax dollars to study and consider and discuss and come up with the following no brainer conclusion….

 we are a personal motor vehicle driven ,personal  motor vehicle obsessed culture and solutions to the rising injury and death rates of pedestrians and bikers and these programs designed to solve the problem, whatever good intentions they include, rely heavily on ONE thing in very very short supply these days….common courtesy….and that includes paying attention while driving (texting, zipping in and out, etc)

MEANWHILE, ANOTHER THOUGHT ABOUT IT…Bike paths that require even the most COURTEOUS and SKILLED drivers to cross over in order to make a turn or get to or through an intersection is one of the top ten all time DUMBEST ideas…we ain’t Europe, baby….we are MURRica….and in MURRica , SHARE the road means spray painting it with the words I Got You Babe….

"..you are free to live your life as you see it...now...let us tell you how you should see it..."


This is REALLY important and we need you to read it. It affects you if you profess Christ as your Savior and Lord. We also urge you to become a member of DFPC and come to our monthly member mtgs where we educate and equip you for what is ahead. We have strategy, we ignite courage and we stand together.

an ARTICLE BY BRYAN FISCHER on the American Family Association website
If you have ever wondered whether President Obama has an abiding hostility to people of Christian faith, wonder no more. He believes we are a threat to national security. If you are a sincerely devoted follower of Jesus Christ, your president believes you are a potential domestic terrorist
I do not exaggerate. In a gathering at George Washington University this week, Obama’s assistant attorney general for national security, John Carlin, revealed that the Department of Justice is creating a brand new position just to monitor us. The position, domestic terrorism counsel, will be created to combat the “real and present threat” of domestic terrorism. 
The real threat to our national security, according to our president and his minions, is coming from the Family Research Council and the American Family Association. 
The plain truth is that we at FRC and AFA don’t hate a living soul. We love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth about the physical and spiritual dangers of the homosexual lifestyle. We want something better for them than the darkness and disease associated with homosexual behavior. We want them to come out of that darkness into the light of the gospel of Christ. We are for the homosexual, and so we must be against the normalization and promotion of homosexuality.  
SEP comments--------I have, and I’m willing to bet you money I aint got, that YOU have friends, acquaintances, co workers, even FAMILY members who are gay and lead happy, productive, physically and spiritually healthy lives….

I’m also willing to double  down and bet you have heterosexual friends, family etc in the grip of darkness, disease, desperation, etc, etc
darkness and disease aren’t just something you get in the premium tier of being gay….they are an equal opportunity human afflication…and NO ONE and NO GROUP has an automatic or guaranteed immunity…
“…Do we disagree with the homosexual lobby about homosexuality? Of course. Do we hate them? Absolutely not. Do we advocate violence against them? Never have, never will. We are simply determined to tell the moral, spiritual, and physical truth about non-normative sexual behavior.  …”     WHOOPS THERE IT IS….the TRUTH about flawed human beings as seen by OTHER flawed human beings…
I always find myself automatically and instantly asking this question when I hear the TRUTH being told to me by a fellow flawed human being…..who died and made you the first and last word on what Jesus wants? Oh, wait, that’s right….it was Jesus who died
and I get that you think you’re doing me some kind of favor by pointing out the error of my way, but let me offer you this….
your Bible and the ability to read it DOESN’T MAKE YOU an expert and it doesn’t AUTHORIZE you to come at me as if I were a two year old who needs to have explained to me the dangers of crossing the street without looking both ways…
share with me…don’t lecture me….invite me to consider…don’t preach that I must surrender…because I promise if you try to make up my mind for me, you’re going to fail at your quest to recruit me…and God or Jesus aren’t going to be pleased that you’re not making your quota…..and its NOT because I figure I’m going to get a better deal with the devil….it’s because I’m going to talk benefits and responsibilities and hopes and dreams and sacrifices and loving one another with God myself….and eliminate the middle man….in this case, the middle man being YOU
I’m willing to bet the farm that you are one of those folks totally outraged by the Supreme Court “interpreting” the law for us…..but you don’t have any problem at all expecting me to accept you doing exactly the same thing for me…
if I feel moved or motivated or inspired to share an amazing book with you, I’m going to recommend, yes, even sometimes passionately, recommend that you open the book and read it….the difference between you and me? I’m not going to insist you read it, try to instill in you a fear of what will happen if you DON’T read it and then, after you actually read it, tell you what you just read really MEANS….
who died and made you the first and last word on what Jesus wants? Oh, wait, that’s right….it was Jesus who died

meanwhile, I’m not accepting ANYTHING as GOSPEL from you because I know who you are….a flawed human being…just like me

join the conversation--- Sunday night at 7 Eastern---talk radio redefined...

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