some succinct summaries from Sunday...and not just a little alliteration...
on "The Brady Bunch"s Susan Olsen posting loudly in favor of Trump
the comments generated by Susan's little burst of celebrity endorsement have been, as you might imagine, pretty passionate, petty, vicious, emotional, you name it….
and while it’s understandable that the kind of morons who knock others down to save fifty bucks on that flat screen on Black Friday would be in love with the king of morons, when basically educated, rational, seemingly intelligent everyday working moms like Susan Olsen see it the way SHE is seeing it, trust me when I tell you that this *** is getting real because this guy is dangerous…..BUT…..Paul Simon said it long ago…a man hears what he wants to hear….
that said,……’s the bottom line….this guy is doing NOTHING to inspire and EVERYTHING to incite….he is doing NOTHING to bring together the citizens of the United States as a once again powerful voice to lead the world and EVERYTHING to turn people against each other…..if you think for a single second that Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or even George W Bush has been the cause of the horribly wide divisions in the country, YOU AINT EVEN BEGUN TO SEE NOTHIN YET like what you will see if this asshat gets anywhere near 1600 Pennsylvania Ave….at this point, I’d do everything I could to see that he’s not even allowed to join a White House tour…THAT’S HOW seriously we need to keep him from getting anywhere near the Oval Office-----
on "the class of 2016" (or classlessness, as the case may be)
I want you to try and imagine this:
John F Kennedy…..Harry S. Truman….Dwight D Eisehhower….Abraham Lincoln…..Ronald Reagan….hell, even George W Bush…….
standing at a podium in front of thousands of people and visually making fun of somebody with a physical disability while being filmed doing it…
NOW try and imagine any one or all of those presidents telling a female reporter that the reason she is asking the questions she is asking is because she must surely be having her period……
is this what you want as the leader of your country? If the answer is yes, nothing else I say or you think really matters because you genuinely ARE a part of the problem……
DONALD TRUMP-----has two primary methods of expressing himself…annoyance mixed with some form of “we’re just gonna do it”…..and passing the buck in well all I DID was re tweet the original tweet….even as guy as determined to see Hillary go down in flames as Bill O Reilly on Fox News told Donald he needs to do a better job of presenting himself as a quality candidate and not some redneck bigot psycho demagogue in a necktie….MY words NOT O Reilly’s…..
if, after everything you have seen and heard so far, of the way that Donald Trump currently conducts himself and will conduct himself in the future and BET THE FARM, the longer he is supported the more arrogant he will get….because praise and applause to a narcissist are like heroin to a junkie, the more they get, the more they want and the more powerful they imagine themselves to be…..if after all of that, you STILL don’t believe OR CARE about the obvious lack of brain cells this guy is operating with….LET ME TELL YOU WHY YOU DON’T WANT THIS GUY ANYWHERE NEAR A PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION……
classic line from a classic Christmas movie….
new line from an already classic election campaign….SEP says that from here on out, every time Donald Trump opens his mouth, somewhere at least one more person decides to vote for Hillary….
AND….should Trump NOT get the Republican nomination, bet EVERY DOLLAR YOU CAN LAY YOUR HANDS ON that he WILL break his supposed promise, he will run as an independent and, sad to say, he WILL get enough votes to siphon off any chance of whoever GETS the GOP nomination to win….so…..ANY support of Trump,,,NOW or LATER and you are absolutely guaranteeing that Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the next President of the United States…..I feel confident that’s clear to the majority of Americans, even those who support Trump right now….but to the special group of people who support Trump and think pork rinds are a major food group, Ice Road Truckers should be on PBS and are happy to kick the crap out of any black guy who shows up at a Trump rally, let me make it easier for you to understand……if you go into ANY voting booth and push ANY button that says TRUMP on it….that button is connected to a machine that will vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton…..and if THAT is still confusing to you, email me and I’ll send you my colorful one page flyer with big block letters and pictures of Ronda Rousey mud wrestling with Danica Patrick to keep your attention…sorry..was I just rude? crude? arrogant? ignorant? tasteless, classless or just plain ol’ full of myself? well, I’m confused…because I’ve been operating under the assumption that those are the qualities you admire….I’ve got numbers to back me up on that….it’s called the poll asking who’s your favorite Republican candidate?…
on "none of the above" is being replaced with "the bottom of the barrel"
there’s a movie you probably haven’t seen because it was never a big hit….it’s called The Competition and it’s about a guy with a dream of becoming a concert pianist who has reached the age where he needs to make it or get a real job…his parents are delighted when they find out he has decided to take a job as a high school music teacher….but just before he signs on the dotted line, he backs out to continue pursuing that dream….when a friend of his asks him why, he says “the problem with having something to fall back on….is that that’s what we do”…..
my career has been a little like that and, I’m sure, many of you have had similar experiences in your life….so I know you’ll understand when I share with you that, in an odd sort of way, this presidential election has a lot in common with that scenario…..
since the day I was old enough to comprehend such things, I’ve been aware of a dream….it’s poetically known as the American dream….life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness…a good education, a good paying and fulfilling career, a loving family, successful children and , like the gambler told us, the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep.
sounds a little Hallmark Channel-ish, right? yeah, but who amongst us doesn’t secretly, if not right out loudly, still believe that kind of life and that kind of America possible?
apparently, and sadly, even tragically, the number of people who believe in that dream is getting smaller…and how do I know that? because once again, we’re faced with the opportunity to choose those who will, supposedly, “lead us” for the next four or eight years and, once again, we are faced with the choice of the least of the worst, the lesser of the evils, a clear and concise choice between the half baked and the half assed, the nasty and the nastier, the obvious liar and the outrageous liar…..
at this point in the circus, here are the two clowns out in front of the pack…..
a woman whose mere presence in the race so dramatically divides people that one side would, if given the opp, probably make her queen as opposed to president….and the other side would sleep like babies if something horrific were to happen to her……
and a guy who, just a couple of years ago, would have been the punchline to a bad joke about running for President, not a bad joke actually running… a guy who is asking for the opportunity to be the leader of all Americans and, still a year away from the election, has already managed to offend, insult, alienate and/or downright ridicule: the disabled, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women, prisoners of war, any one of a half dozen religions AND anyone who dares to suggest that he is not God’s gift to this election and, for that matter, this life….
and of the remaining clowns in the clown car….more of the same and more of the old and too damn much of the same old same old….
I’ve said it every week now for weeks…and you’ll probably hear me say it for months to come….but it’s a question that needs asking every day of every week of every month between now and November of next year….a question that you deserve an answer to….
who is asking for your vote that inspires you?
not incites…..not intercedes….not entertains….not interferes…not interjects…
not the best of the worst, the lesser of the evils, the least offensive of the offensive…..
who inspires you?
as we’ve mentioned a couple of times in the past couple of weeks, Susan Olsen once played the TV character Cindy Brady…a nice little girl from a nice family on a nice street in a nice town in the United States of America…..a fictional and romanticized, admittedly, version of the American dream…but a version nevertheless….
forty years later, that same Susan Olsen has inadvertently summed up where we are , what we’ve become and, in some measure, what we’ve sunk to…
“……..Do I think Trump is the best guy? Hell no! And he might be a douche, but he is our only chance!
And do we really love him?
Not really, he’s kind of a dick.
But is he the only forward thinker who is running for office?
He speaks for US
TRUMP for all his assholiness is the best candidate we have.
As crazy goofy insane as it seems…
I wish we had a better choice…
But he is our ONLY choice!
There I said it
you sure did, Cindy Brady…you sure did…..
join the conversation---talk radio redefined---Sunday nights at 7 on Delaware 105.9FM
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