Monday, November 21, 2016

"...Iron Fists and Thin Skin...The New American Paradox..."

rhetoric and ruminations from this past Sunday's (Nov 20) show

on what a wonderful world the election has already begun to create for us...
  • A teacher from Broomall, Pennsylvania says she went to her doctor for a physical, but was kicked out of the office after she disagreed with the Donald Trump-supporting physician. The doctor criticized protests over Trump's election. The teacher said they had a right to protest. The doctor told her if she didn't believe what he believed, his practice wasn't for her, and she needed to leave. She left. The doctor claims he did not kick her out, and adds he sent a letter of apology. 
  • actress Emmy Rossum from the TV show SHAMELESS and the movies MYSTIC RIVER and THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW says she’s been the target of anti-Semitic threats from Donald Trump supporters. The actress, who is Jewish, shared vile comments from a user on social media that praise Hitler and reference the Holocaust.“Trump supporters are sending me messages threatening to send me & my ‘ilk’ to the gas chambers & writing hashtags like ‘#sieg hiel.’ NOT OK,” she tweeted in response.
  • International travelers seem to have developed a sudden wariness about the U.S. Demand for flights to the U.S. from many parts of the world have dropped by 30 percent since the election according to travel site Searches for flights out of the U.S. have increased.
  • During the Trump family's appearance on CBS News' 60 Minutes on Sunday, Ivanka was wearing a gold and diamond bracelet from her own fashion collection. The next day, her public relations team dropped a press release about the bracelet, which is for sale on her website for $10,800, or $8,800 without the diamonds
  • A woman reported a frightening incident that happened while she was hiking at Mission Peak in Fremont, California. Nicki Pancholy, had her car windows smashed and her purse stolen. A note containing obscenities and a reference to her "hiljab" was left on the car's windshield, Pancholy has Lupus and wears a bandana to protector her from the sun. It has no religious significance, she said. A hijab is the traditional head covering worn by many Muslim women.
  • New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered a joint investigation after someone painted a dugout wall in Wellsville, about 80 miles southeast of Buffalo. The message: A swastika, surrounded by the words, 'Make America White Again."
THAT”S JUST A FEW of the GREATEST HITS of what’s climbing up the slash and burn charts, kids……………..and in the last three or four days, Donald has named a known white supremacist as his head strategist, a southern Senator who has racism accusations all over his resume to be attorney general, a hard core, zero tolerance for Islam General who is known for tweeting conspiracy theory as his national security advisor and a Congressman who says that impediments to surveillance should be removed as his CIA director..oh..and PS, the proposed director of the Central Intelligence Agency there has absolutely no experience whatsoever with actual intelligence agencies, but, what the hell, HE can be president, next time…OH…as to the hate crimes and hate speech, Trump DID look right into the camera on 60 Minutes and say “stop it”…well, there you go, that should take care of it…

AND just so we’re all on the same page here, YES...THANK YOU for whatever come back you’ve got in mind that talks about the nut jobs on Hillary’s side who are hurling and spewing and vandalizing and protesting…but, save yourself the call or the post because here’s my one size fits all answer for you…. Hillary is over. And before very long, THOSE nut jobs will crawl back into the woodwork…because THAT kind of anger and hatred re-groups and moves on to something else….the hate speech and hate crimes fueled by the miserable excuses for human beings who feel like Trump is their long awaited salvation? Well, they’re going to go on feeling that way for the NEXT FOUR YEARS…or….until Donald Trump does WHATEVER IT TAKES to PUT AN END TO IT……cause, you, know he’s going to be the LEADER….for the next 1,460 days….what a wonderful world

 on America setting a new record by electing the youngest President EVER...five years old...

after Mike Pence attended a performance of Hamilton and was addressed from the stage, during the curtain call, by the cast, the Man Child In Chief-Elect couldn't spare a single second getting to his Twitter account

Donald J. Trump
✔ @realDonaldTrump
Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing. This should not happen! The Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!

The actor who respectfully read the message to Pence responded...

 Brandon Victor Dixon
✔ @BrandonVDixon
@realDonaldTrump conversation is not harassment sir. And I appreciate @mike_pence for stopping to listen.

Personally....I love BETTY WHITE's one size says it all tweet
"….not harassment…just DRESSING ROOM TALK"

The back and forth garbage we ridiculously still refer to as dialogue in this country was predictably back and forth….I know you are but what am I…one says black, the other says white…one says white, the other says black….I’m not wasting a single breath adding to that, so don’t waste your breath adding to it either.  what IS unfortunate is that the man elected to lead ALL the people continues to demonstrate that his intention to lead ALL the people is conditional….on whether or not ALL the people see things HIS way…and free speech? well, enjoy it while it lasts….because just like McRibs and Candy Corn Oreos, it’s apparently only going to be available for a limited time.

MEANWHILE  here's what the "campaign" manager tweeted in reaction to Newt Gingrich (former House Speaker and paragon of integrity)'s tweet that the Hamilton cast's "message" to Pence was arrogant (which it was not) and hostile (which it was not)...find the video and watch how politely the request was made.

MEANWHILE Kellyanne Conway immediately responded, simultaneously tweeting and placing lips on the five year old's ass...

Kellyanne Conway
This is so true. And @mike_pence deserves respect and a peaceful night out with his nephew and daughter. #yourvicepresident

******************************************** you go,'s the key distinction.....the office for which Mike Pence was chosen by Donald Trump (saying that Pence was "elected" is ripe for debate) deserves respect. Any viewing of the video will convince any twelve jurors that the cast couldn't have been any more respectful.
Mike Pence, personally, deserves nothing. Respect is earned, not bestowed. And no amount of fear mongering or Donald's outraged ego fueled tweets are going to earn either one of them a thing.
As far as the night out is concerned, if you can't stand the heat....and all that....

on ridding the barn of rats by burning it to the ground

one of the five most profound things I have ever read, I read this week….the opposite of extremism….is extremism

Bernie Sanders was asked why Trump succeeded 

To answer your question, I think what the punditry and the establishment does not understand there, a lot of people in this country  are suffering, hurting and scared about tomorrow for their kids and he tapped into that anxiety  

and now DIFFERENT people are scared of DIFFERENT things…..good job, fixers….well done….well played…

because, you know what? I am in my sixty sixth year of this life and let me clue you into something     a lot of people are ALWAYS scared about tomorrow for their parents were scared that CUBA MISSILES….THEIR PARENTS were scared that HITLER was going to take over the world……but instead of rising up and demanding that the person chosen to lead this country inspire us and motivate us  FDR…only thing we have to fear……JFK  ask NOT what you country can do for YOU……instead of rising up and demanding THAT person and THAT attitude almost SIXTY ONE MILLION “TRUE BLUE AMERICANS” gave the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to a staggeringly thin skinned man child with ABSOLUTELY NO EXPERIENCE that would qualify him for the job had he simply applied for it who SCARED THEM WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH to SCARE them into putting him there…

.AND I’M TIRED of watching so many people panic and fret and wring their hands and try to hide their fear by wearing obnoxious t shirts and yelling foul slurs at people of other colors and other religions and other sexual identities and handing the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to a staggeringly thin skinned man child with ABSOLUTELY NO EXPERIENCE that would qualify him for the job had he simply applied for it who SCARED THEM WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH to SCARE them into putting him there…….. instead of rising up and DEMANDING that the person chosen to lead inspire us and motivate us and instill in us that we are ONLY as great a country as our ABILITY AND WILLINGNESS TO work and stand TOGETHER……NOT to simply let the OTHER extreme have the wheel for two or four or eight years or EVER….

What has to happen, what has to be damaged or destroyed, WHO, that you either happen to be acquainted with, know really well, or, even, love has to be persecuted, harassed, harmed or God forbid, even, killed before you realize that the OPPOSITE OF EXTREMISM is.... EXTREMISM?

on how things are always darkest...right before they get a lot darker...

got young kids in the household? how are your kids doing these days? enjoying school? or perhaps, more likely, probably looking forward to the next few weeks because, it being the season that it is, the “not have to go to school days” will outnumber the “have to go to school days”….good times….oh and by the way, how are your kids with this whole new President coming in January business? they talk about it? do they ask you questions about what’s going to happen after that ceremony thing they do at the Capitol building on January 20? or are they like a lot of kids who just sort of live in their own world of playing and homework and weekends and classroom projects, TV and music and video games and hanging out with their friends…oh and speaking of their friends, do they have any friends who are scared of the dark? or maybe even scared about what it IS that’s going to happen after that ceremony thing they do at the Capitol building on January 20?

hold that thought…more on the being scared business in a minute or two.

unless you’ve totally tuned out, news wise, in the last week or two, and , hell, who could blame you…. you’ve heard the name Steve Bannon. Now, one of the more once upon a time charming and/or amusing things about America used to be how so many people turned out to have less than a clue about things that you might think they’d want to keep up with….you know, we’ll all seen those laugh a second videos of every day Americans on the street being asked things like “who won the Civil War?” or “name the current Vice President” and we’ve all had some pretty good chuckles over some of the answers that those folks offer up. Or, even more hilariously, the blank expressions on some of those faces when they simply can’t come up with any answer at all. Ha..and ha…and let’s throw in a couple more ha ha ha’.

Some funny shit, right? You know what, I bet if we asked a dozen people on the street RIGHT NOW who Steve Bannon is, SURELY we’d get SOMEBODY who would say something like “uh, that’s, uh, like, the Hulk’s secret identity….right?”. Or, FER SURE, we’d get one of those hilarious blank stares. I mean, like, it just doesn’t GET any funnier than that…..right?

Well, just to do those folks a solid, lemme throw a few quick factoids out to clear this Bannon business up that I cut and pasted from the ol Wikipedia.

Stephen Kevin "Steve" Bannon is an American businessman and media executive. He is the executive chairman of Breitbart News, a conservative American news, opinion and commentary website noted for its connection to the alt-right.

Okay. He has also just been named by Donald Trump to be the “chief strategist” for the soon to be Grand Opening Trump White House.

Now, for those folks with the Hulk secret identity level SAT scores, “chief strategist” really means “the guy who will tell Trump what he needs to do to make America great again”.

Bannon did an interview that was published Friday. And among all his other, how should I put this, uh, UNIQUE points of view, here’s what he had to say….

"...Darkness is good," "Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing."

By "they" , I’m gonna put a few bucks down on a sure thing and bet that he means liberals and the media who are all already wanting this guy to be fired from the gig for which he was just hired.
I’m not a betting man, but I’d put a billion dollars down on what I think is the one chance that this guy is, in fact, going to lose the gig.

An ice cube’s chance.

Now, at this moment, there are two bunches of people who are wetting themselves waiting for their chance to post or call or get heard right this very minute.

The “oh, give me a break, that’s NOT what he means” bunch.

And the “oh, yeah, well what about?” bunch.

Couple of things. First, I’m not asking for opinions. I’m simply sharing mine. Second, here’s a cut and paste reply for each of the two groups.

to the THAT’S NOT WHAT HE MEANS BUNCH, Even IF that’s NOT what he means (and it IS what he means, but let’s stop arguing and have a hug, whaddaya say), it doesn’t MATTER WHAT he means, it only matter what people THINK he means….and I’m pretty sure that the almost 62 million people who didn’t vote for Bannon’s new boss think it means that what’s ahead for this nation are dark days.

And to WHAT ABOUT bunch? as in, oh, yeah, well what about Hillary getting those guys in Bhengazi or oh, yeah, well what about Obama screwing up health care and blah blah blah blah, let me offer you up a fun little moment from the Soup Nazi days on Seinfeld.

"'re wasting everyone's time"

I’m not talking about Hillary (she’s done) or Obama (he’s done). I’m talking about a man who has been selected to shape the domestic policy of the United States of America for the next four years saying that “darkness is good”

Which brings us back to your kids. Are they scared of the dark? Yeah, that’s something you want to comfort them about, isn’t it? So, you’ll talk to them about it, do what you can to ease their fears and, at least for a while, take that fear from their hearts by just flipping a switch.

Or you can just teach them a lesson in the way life really works. And tell them they need to suck it up. Get over it. Grow up, you little whiners.

There’s nothing to worry about.

That man who’s gonna call a lot of the shots for all of us from the big white building there on Pennsylvania Avenue says so.

So, lighten up. Darkness is good.

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Sunday nights at 7

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