as shared on this past Sunday's (4/5) show....
Tom Cotton is a putz.
But, it's Easter, a time of reflection and compassion and celebration.
So, upon reflection, let's show a little compassion.
And offer that his being a putz isn't a blight upon us.
But, rather, a symptom of the blight upon us.
The actual disease is an atrophy of the essential veins and arteries that have, since the inception of America, sent the lifeblood of this nation flowing out from the heart of us to keep us healthy and growing and living and then back to that heart to nourish it and keep us healthy and growing and living.
Since 1776, and long before, actually, that lifeblood flowing in the bright, beautiful, colors of red, white and blue.
That atrophy has taken its toll, though.
And now that lifeblood no longer resembles the patriotic plasma that once pumped passionately through all of us, uniting us to do more and do better and do for each other and protecting us from the antibodies of foreign invasion and, sometimes, in fact, many times, even from ourselves and each other.
The lifeblood of America no longer flows red, white and blue.
It flows red.....or it flows blue.
And white?
Well, lately, Ferguson has taught us that we don't want to talk too much about white, lest we get each other's blood boiling.
Lincoln once eloquently offered that a house divided against itself cannot stand.
And for almost 250 years, this country has proven, time and time and time again, that even though differences confront us, issues challenge us, enemies dare us, problems surround us and solutions elude, even enrage, us, we have always kept eyes on the prize and steered clear of letting our individualities send us angrily storming off to one side or the other, angrily barricading ourselves in, stubbornly refusing to either come out or let anyone in, allowing a noisy, rambunctious, even rowdy family home deteriorate into a divided house.
Because the lifeblood of the family flowed red, white and blue.
Not just red.
Not just blue.
That a member of the United States Senate could take it upon himself to undermine the executive authority and responsibilities of the office of President of the United States and be supported in that disrespect by other members of the legislative branch.....
That a member of the United States Senate could offer that no matter how unfairly, unjustly and/or unequally homosexuals may be treated in this country, they are still the better for it, given that Iran hangs their gays....
That a sad, significant and, yes, scary, number of American citizens not only find nothing wrong with that behavior but, in fact, support, even endorse, it.......
Says more about the damage, and threat, to the American blood stream than any thousand news shows, talk shows, op ed pieces or essays written and shared on the air.....on an Easter night.
A night of reflection and compassion and celebration.
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