Sunday, April 19, 2015

"...You Have The Right To Remain Silent....Not To Remain Stupid...."

Watch this.

And then read the screamingly simple solution to the problem following the video.

Do U think you are good at texting while driving???
Posted by The 99 on Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Of all the solutions thus far suggested (hands free laws, stiffer fines, yada yada). ONE SOLUTION is practical, do-able...and guaranteed to end the problem.

Cell phones that DO NOT function while a car engine is running.

With ONE exception.

In the event of a genuine emergency, a cell phone may be sent a signal that will set off a ding ding ding, alerting the recipient that they need to return the call ASAP.

Other than that. the cell phone DOES NOT FUNCTION while a car engine is running.

ANY text, call, email, etc critical enough to require attention while one is driving is sufficiently critical to motivate the driver to pull of the road in a timely, but safe, manner.

We lived for almost two thousand years without being able to phone, text, talk, call, email, web surf, selfie, etc, while behind the wheel without the empire crumbling or the world coming to a screaming halt.

Chances are good that we can live the next two thousand without those options.

And, for those who have a hair trigger on their "it's my right" pistol.....

Your right to swing your fist ends where another's nose begins.

For that matter, the use of a cell phone is a convenience.

Not a right.

In a real emergency, should you absolutely need to get somebody's attention....

Fire a gun out the car window.

2nd Amendment's got you covered there.

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